Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu - strona główna

Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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Bioimaging Research Center

The Bioimaging Research Center is an interdisciplinary team of specialists in engineering, neuropsychology, physics, and radiology. The main activities of the centre involve investigating human brain structure and function using non-invasive imaging techniques.

The facility is equipped with a 32-channel 3T magnetic resonance scanner MAGNETOM TRIO TIM by Siemens and an advanced 64channel NeuroScan EEG system, whichis MRI-compatible.

NCOB is the first research centre in Poland and one of few in the world using simultaneousEEGfMRI registration, combining advantages of both imaging techniques. High spatial resolution of MR imaging and high temporal resolution of EEG (up to 0.05ms) can provide comprehensive data on cortical function.

The Centre is engaged in both scientific research and teaching.

Scientific activity includes:

  • statutory projects of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing on cortical auditory processing, as well as high-order cognitive functions, such as speech and language, attention, emotions. We are the only centre in the world doing research in the area of auditory cortex plasticity in patients with partial deafness.
  • research programmes supported by the National Science Center and the National Center for Research and Development.
  • multi-center projects in collaboration with research and academic facilities in Poland, such as Warsaw University of Technology, the University of Warsaw, and Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology in Warsaw, as well as abroad, e.g. Brigham Young University (Provo, UT) and Human Science Center at Ludwig Maximilians University Munich.

Constant optimisation of the equipment and methodology for functional brain studies, designing experimental paradigms, advanced research, publishing in peer-reviewed papers, presenting at domestic and international specialist conferences.

Teaching activity of NCOB involves courses on advanced functional brain imaging and MR diagnostics for researchers, psychologists, MR technicians, and medical doctors. Lectures and workshops are offered for students at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, and many other collaborating academic and research centres.