Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu - strona główna

Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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Research and development activities

The Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing attaches importance to combining the research activity with teaching, assuming that it will ensure the most effective development for the research staff and the Institute as a whole. Its research and development activities are interdisciplinary relating to the following fields of medicine and technology:

Fields of medicine and technology:

  • otorhinolaryngology
  • audiology
  • phoniatrics
  • genetics
  • rehabilitation
  • biomedical engineering
  • biocybernetics
  • acoustics
  • telemedicine

We are engaged in following R&D programs:

  • epidemiology and hearing and speech screening
  • electrophysiology of the organ of hearing
  • genetically determined hearing disorders
  • disorders of voice and speech
  • vertigo and balance disorders
  • implantable devices in treatment of hearing disorders
  • surgical methods of treatment of hearing disorders
  • tinnitus
  • telemedicine, acoustics and biomedical engineering