Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu - strona główna

Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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the 1992

      • the first cochlear implantation in Poland performed by prof. H. Skarżyński


      • developing action program and establishing the Diagnostic-Treatment-Rehabilitation Center for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired ‘Cochlear Center’


      • implementation of a new method of treatment of the congenital defects of the inner ear
      • program development, team organization and launch of the The Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing


      • the use of new alloplastic materials in the middle ear surgery


      • the first auditory brainstem implantation in Poland performed by prof. H. Skarżyński


      • the first international presentation of the results of hearing preservation after cochlear implantation


      • the first in the world cochlear implantation in a partially deaf patient performed by prof. H. Skarżyński


      • the first middle ear implantation in Poland performed by prof. H. Skarżyński
      • opening of the International Center for Hearing and Speech


      • the first in the world application of the electro-acoustic stimulation method  in cases of partial deafness in children performed by prof. H. Skarżyński


      • the first in Poland application of combined implant and hearing aid in one ear (Duet System)


      • the first in the world direct stimulation of the round window membrane performed by prof. H. Skarżyński


      • the first in the world classification for the evaluation of congenital defects of the inner ear, the Skarżyński classification


      • the first in the world bilateral application of the auditory brainstem implants


      • presentation of the new SRA electrode and its, for the first time in the world, implantation during European congress
      • the first in Poland use of combined hearing aid and SRA type implant
      • opening of The Bioimaging Research Center


      • presentation of a new concept of the partial deafness treatment


      • publication and presentation, on the continental congresses in Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Australia and New Zealand, of the new complex concept of the partial deafness treatment and the first in the world PDT classification
      • initiating and causing the adoption of the European Consensus Statement on Hearing, Vision and Speech Screening in Preschool and School-age Children and the European Consensus Statement on Hearing Screening in Preschool and School-age Children
      • Coordinating activities in the field of “Equal Opportunities for Children with Communication Disorders in European Countries” – issue included as Poland’s priority during the EU Presidency in the EU Council in the field of public health, followed by adoption of EU Council’s “Conclusions on early detection and treatment of communication disorders in children, including the use of e-Health tools and innovative solutions,” on 2 December 2011 in Brussels


      • opening of the World Hearing Center
      • the first evaluation of the hearing pathway in the partial deafness using the fMRI
      • the first in Poland and one of the first in the world implantation of middle and internal ear implants – CODACS system
      • the first in Poland implantation of Bonebridge – a pioneering implant system


      • first in Central and Eastern Europe implantation using Baha® 4 System Attract


      • the first in Poland implantation surgery using middle ear implant – MET


      • the first in Poland implantation of the new-generation cochlear implant named SYNCHRONY, which enables performing the MRI tests and tracing changes in the brain after the administration of acoustic and electric stimuli


      • the first in world middle ear implantation with Vibrant Soundbridge and LP-Coupler
      • the first in Central and Eastern Europe cochlear implantation using HiRes Ultra device with the new straight electrode HiFocus SlimJ


      • the first in Poland and fifth in the world implantation of a hearing implant type Cochlear OSIA OSI100
      • the first in Poland implantation of a HiRes Ultra 3D Cochlear Implant, conforming to the Hassle Free MRI Technology


      • the world premiere of “Broken Silence” Musical – artistic documentation of Polish medicine and science great achievement and their important contribution to the world otology, otosurgery and otolaryngology over the last 27 years


      • the first implantation of an active bone conduction hearing implant BONEBRIDGE BCI 602 in Poland