Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu - strona główna

Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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Park of 10 Thousand Steps

„Walking 10 thousand steps daily we can live longer. It is approximately the distance of 6 – 8 km, depending on the individual length of a step”.

The idea of the Park of 10 Thousand Steps was realized in Kajetany by Prof. Henryk Skarzynski and the team of the World Hearing Center. The opening of the Park was a part of celebrations of the 20th Anniversary of the first cochlear implantation in Poland.

Initiators and supporters of the idea of the Park of 10 Thousand Steps are: world champion in hurdles Mrs. Teresa Sukniewicz-Kleiber, National Consultants, eminent experts in different fields of medicine and Presidents of Scientific Committees of the Polish academy of Sciences – Prof Grzegorz Opolski, Prof Boleslaw Samolinski, Prof Janina Stepinska, Prof Marian Zembala and Prof Tomasz Zdrojewski.

The Park of 10 thousand Steps in Kajetany near Warsaw has been designed to make it easy to walk of an appropriate distance. The wide central alley and paths winding among trees and bushes are perfect for long walks and numerous trees provide shadow and protest from heat.

It is a first park of that kind in the world, a modern and unique way of promoting the healthy lifestyle. The Park has been opened by Mrs. Teresa Sukniewicz-Kleiber, famous Polish athlete, three times winner of the world record in 100m hurdles (1969 – 13,3 s and 1970 – 12,8 s and 12,7 s). She won also the world record in 200m hurdles – 25,8 s in 1970.

Most Poles make no more than 5.000 steps a day. Those working in offices and driving cars make less than 2.000 steps. To live longer it is necessary to start being physically active in early youth and to maintain it as long as possible. A person who is fairly active makes between 5.000 and 7.500 steps a day. Those who make more than 10.000 steps every day may consider themselves to be adequately active. All of us can contribute to promoting physical activity an healthy lifestyle.

A person making every day 10.000 steps may burn in a week even 3.500 calories more that somebody of middling physical activity. That is a goal that everyone is able to achieve.