Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu - strona główna

Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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The Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing has been actively cooperating with the media for years, informing the public about the latest treatment methods of hearing, voice, speech and balance defects, as well as about ways to prevent them and where to find help if such problems arise.

Year by year, the Institute’s presence in the media is growing and belongs to the highest in Poland in both medicine and science.

Journalists are with us during every pioneering surgery. Among others, they have witnessed the first in Poland:
• cochlear implant surgery,
• implanting the device into the brainstem,
• the first in the world cochlear implantation in a person with partial deafness,
• implantation in the middle ear,
• reconstruction of the earlobe,
• surgical hearing prosthesis (BAHA and RetroX devices),
• paranasal sinus surgery navigated by the image.

Contact for media
If you are interested in participating our meetings and press conferences, please send your application with your name and surname, editorial office, landline and mobile phone number to: