World Hearing Center

Project’s title: World Hearing Center

Project’s duration: October 2009 – June 2014

Project’s budget: 119 531 915,84 PLN

Co-financing: 87 237 466,60 PLN

The project is co-financed from the resources of Innovative Economy Operational

Programme – 2.1 action

Intermediary Institution: Ministry of Science and Higher Education – Department of Implementations and Innovations.

Project’s summary: the goal of the project was the enlargement of the International Center of Hearing and Speech in Kajetany and the establishment of the unique worldwide – the World Hearing Center. The project covered mainly the construction of a new wing of hospital in Kajetany (the Center’s seat) and its equipment with state-of-the-art medical utensils and units, enabling the performance of research projects at the highest, world level.

The official opening of the new wing of the building in Kajetany and the launch of its clinical, scientific and didactic activity, took place on 10th of May, 2012. Nowadays, in the last phase of the project duration, the Center is both – a modern hospital guaranteeing medical services at the highest world level, equipped in the unique medical apparatus and with huge technical infrastructure, as well as it is an excellently prepared didactic-training-conference center, performing an extended research and didactic activity, enabling the trainings for specialists in the field of medicine, clinical engineering, speech therapy, etc., from all countries of the world.

As the examples of the state-of-the-art infrastructure of the Center are: 2 multimedia studios for teleaudiology, the Head and Neck Clinical Anatomy Laboratory – performing the statutory activity of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing in the area of the research on head and neck structures morphology, particularly of vestibulocochlear organ, and  performing didactic activity. The laboratory is equipped in the state-of-the-art audio-video system and connected with the operating theatre and conference halls. It is equipped in modern equipment for surgical trainings with the use of anatomical specimens and computer simulators. This is the biggest laboratory of such profile in the world.