Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu - strona główna

Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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World Hearing Center

World Hearing Center – WHC owes its establishment to  the extensive research, clinical and educational program in numerous fields of science and medicine implemented by the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing and its many collaborators in Poland and abroad. It is an effect of the systematic work of many years and building of the partnership relations with scientists from various fields in Poland and on the international arena, on all continents.

The WHC created the unique opportunity to meet the enormous social demand for the development and implementation of the novel solutions for early detection, treatment and rehabilitation of hearing, voice, speech and balance disorders. It is a response of specialists in medicine, biomedical engineering, acoustics, physic, nanotechnology and nanoinformatics, psychology and pedagogy to the constantly growing needs of the information society.

The Center is both: a modern hospital providing the medical care on the highest world level, equipped with the unique medical instrumentation, with the huge technical infrastructure, and an exquisitely prepared research, training and conference center running a wide range of research and educational activities, including training of the specialists from the entire world in the fields of medicine, clinical engineering, speech therapy, deaf education and psychology of deaf.

The World Hearing Center is a unique, first of its kind institution on  the international scale. Its creation is very important in terms of future development of science and search of the novel methods of diagnostics and treatment of the sensory organs’ dysfunctions. It will play an important role in integrating the scientific community around the interdisciplinary research problems that have the significant influence on the development of the modern information society based on  knowledge and universal communication. All activities of the Center are congruent with the process of communication. These challenges are not Poland-specific, not even Europe-specific, but concern the whole modern world on all continents.

Main goals of the World Hearing Center

  • initiating novel research projects and programs
  • coordinating international multicenter research projects
  •  actively participating in developing new technologies, such as new hearing implants of different types applying technologies of nanomaterials and nanoinformatics.
  • creating an international training center for residents, specialists and patients
  • implementing newest technologies into the clinical praxis in Poland, including the popularization of the first in the world Polish nationwide telemedicine network
  • making available for Polish patients newest treatment solutions, such as the telemedicine and telefitting (remote fitting of hearing implants)
  • building through various scientific activities, the new image and position of Polish science and medicine in the world
  • initiating the establishment of the network of reference centers for hearing on all continents.

The construction of the World Hearing Center has been financed with the help of European Funds within the ‘Innovative Economy’ Operating Program, with the significant share of own funds of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing.