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Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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6th International Course in the Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

World Hearing Center of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing hosted, for the sixth time already, a large group of rhinology surgeons, who came to study endoscopic techniques of sinus and skull base surgery under the direction of leading international experts.

In the 6th International Course in the Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (25-27.02.2015) participated 78 persons, mostly Poles, but also four participants from Ukraine, one from Greece, and even one who came all the way from Ghana.

Popularity of this course stems from the fact that is one of the few courses in Europe, and possibly the only one in Poland, offering such a wide range of opportunity to train hands-on on so many fresh-frozen head specimens. For each rhinology surgeon, regardless of his level of experience, it is an extraordinary opportunity to win essential practical skills. It is of crucial importance for surgeon to have not only knowledge from books, but also the first-hand experience of endoscopic and radiological anatomy of paranasal sinuses and endoscopic procedures, to gain self-assurance and trust in own capabilities.

Another distinguishing aspect of the Kajetany course are its lecturers, leading world surgeons specializing in the endoscopic surgery of paranasal sinuses and skull base. Lecturers of the 6th Course were:

  • Professor Piero Nicolai, Head of the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic of the University of Brescia, Italy,
  • Professor Paweł Stręk, Faculty of Otolaryngology, Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum, from Cracow, Poland,
  • Professor Timoleon Terzis, Head of the Athens Rhinology Team at Neo Athinaion Hospital in Greece,
  • Professor Paolo Battaglia, from the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of University of Insubria, from Varese in Italy, assistant of Prof. Castelnuovo, world famous specialist in the endoscopic skull base surgery,
  • Professor Jan Gosepath, Head of Department of ORL-HNS, Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken HSK, from Wiesbaden, Germany,
  • Professor Claus Gregers Petersen from Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark,
  • Professor Sergey Pukhlik, Head of the Otorhinolaryngology Faculty of the Odessa State Medical University, Ukraine.

Scientific program comprised lectures, surgical technique demonstrations and hands-on training. Theoretical part of the training lasted two days, during which participants attended lectures on the range of essential issues related to anatomy, pathology and endoscopic management of paranasal sinuses.  An  exceptionally interesting and valuable aspect of lectures, presented by practicing surgeons with exhaustive endoscopic experience were descriptions of their own operations, difficult cases, complications and problems, with tips on preventing and managing difficulties, illustrated with photos and films of their own surgeries.

Third day of the course was dedicated entirely to laboratory training. It started with demonstrations of endoscopic techniques performed by Prof. Paweł Stręk, Prof. Claus Petersen, Prof. Timoleon Terzis and Prof. Paolo Battaglia. All participants could observe presented procedures on screen in the lecture room, showing endoscope and surgical navigation pictures. Demonstrations were accompanied by explanations and comments of operating surgeons and moderator, participants could also ask questions. Afterwards participants who were admitted to the hands-on training moved to the laboratory (20 persons selected by the scientific committee based on their experience and order application). Laboratory training was supervised by instructors who earlier presented endoscopic techniques. They were aided by experienced members of Institute’s rhinology team.  Each participant on the practical course had an opportunity to perform independently all procedures in a cadaver head – there were only 2 participants for working station. Each working station was provided with one head and full set of equipment and tools for endoscopic surgery.