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Polish Academy of Sciences Medals awarded

Three outstanding Polish scholars where honored during the solemn meeting of the Polish Academy of Sciences on September 18, 2012. At the request of the Department of Medical Sciences and based on the recommendations of the Chapter of the Copernicus Medal, Professor Henryk Skarzynski was awarded the Copernicus Medal and Professors Jerzy Szaflik and Leszek Paczek were awarded Medals of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

It is a great satisfaction for me that I can shake hands with a prominent Polish scientists, doctors, great organizers in the health sector and great social worker s– said the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Prof. Kleiber congratulating the decorated – Today’s winners were able to prove by their professional life, that it is possible to achieve excellence in medicine, while not forgetting of the great social role that physicians play in today’s world. This attitude is exemplary for all of us – continued Prof. Kleiber.

Professor Henryk Skarzynski received Copernicus Medal for an outstanding achievements in research on the physiology and pathology of hearing.

To achieve something in science, especially in medicine, is not always easy. Each of us has encountered various barriers along the way – the biggest one is the barrier of impossibility. We had to convince the closer and farther communities, that in every situation one can achieve something valuable. I think our teams have succeeded. Thank you for honoring our work – said Prof. Henryk Skarzynski on behalf of the winners.

The Copernicus Medal is the most important award of the Polish Academy of Sciences awarded to only the most outstanding scientists