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Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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2nd Surgical Foundation Course workshop

Advanced techniques od cochlear implantation in partial and total deafness were the subject of the specialist otosurgery training during the 2nd Surgical Foundation Course in the World Hearing center in Kajetany on 19-21 November 2012.

The workshop program consisted of a theoretical part and a hands-on training. Theoretical part included lectures presented by the experts from the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing on the subject of the assess and qualify patients for cochlear implantation, application of the newest diagnostic methods including bioimaging, surgical techniques of cochlear implantation, management of complex cases, auditory sensitivity and newest technological solutions in the field of cochlear implants, such as the functioning of the first in the world National Network of Teleaudiology.

In the course participated a narrow group of 13 specialists otosurgeons from Romania, Lebanon, Nigeria, Denmark, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Egypt.

In the practical part participants, supervised by instructors, could train all stages of cochlear implantation on the temporal bone specimens. They had also an opportunity to train inserting of the cochlear implant electrode to the cochlea on electronic models of temporal bones provided by the Cochlear Academy. They could also observe live surgeries of cochlear implantation from the special observation gallery in the surgical theater.

2nd Surgical Foundation Course workshop, organized by the Institute of Physiology and pathology of Hearing in cooperation with the Institute of Sensory Organs and the Center of hearing and Speech ‘Medincus’ was a part of the ‘Cochlear Academy’ – a series of international training courses on cochlear implants organized under the auspices of Cochlear company.

Organization of specialized workshops such as the Surgical Foundation Course is one of the forms in which the World Hearing Center of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing carries out its educational mission.