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Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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Professor Henryk Skarzynski at the Second World Congress of Polish Engineers

The Second World Congress of Polish Engineers was held on 26th -28th June 2013 in Warsaw, under the patronage of the President of Poland H.E. Bronisław Komorowski. It was organized jointly by the Warsaw University of Technology, Polish Federation of Engineering Associations NOT, Council of Polish Engineers in North America and European Federation of Polish Scientific and Technological Societies Abroad.

Professor Henryk Skarzynski was invited to participate in the panel titled “Polish innovations for the world, global innovations for Poland”. Among other speakers taking part in the debate there were: professor Leszek Rafalski, chairman of the Main Council of the Research Institutes, Rafal Trzebinski, executive director of petrochemical production of PKN ORLEN and Joanna Jagas from the Lodz Regional Science and Technology Park.

During his presentation, professor Skarzynski depicted how specialists from the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, managed by him, use innovative biomedical and technological products and primarily offer hi-tech modern solutions used in both the country and the world. The solutions include: a breakthrough method of partial deafness treatment (known as a “Skarzynski’s method”), a design of new materials (SRA electrode, glassionomer cement used in otosurgery) and the world’s first National Network of Teleaudiology.

– With the National Network of Teleaudiology, patients have a sense of security. They’re assured that we can help them at any time. This is a special product dedicated to thousands of patients. It does not bring much profit to the Institute but everyone can earn on it – patients incur lower costs of sometimes long travel to Kajetany. In addition to offering specific products, we speak and pursue some innovative ideas, such as the World Hearing Center and worldwide screening texts in school children – thanks to our activity, it became a joint initiative of the entire EU. Another innovative idea, which we are realizing, is a worldwide network of reference centers. Its aim is to exchange experiences and cooperation among centers from around the world for the benefit of patients with hearing, voice or speech disorders. – said professor Skarzynski.

The main goal of the Second World Congress of Polish Engineers was to integrate Polish engineering environments and exchange experiences in the implementation of innovations, technology transfer, improving the importance of Polish science and its competitiveness in the world.