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Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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The Conference „New technologies in medicine” in Turkmenistan

The conference on New Technologies in Medicine, with the participation of the representatives of the World Hearing Center of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, took place on July 20-22, 2013, in Ashgabat in Turkmenistan. The WHC representatives gave two speeches on: “The modern approach in partial deafness treatment” and “Innovative technologies in medicine: screening and telemedicine”. Both speeches received the high interest from the audience and initiated the discussions. The conference gathered specialists and physicians of many specializations, i.a.: otolaryngologists, audiologists, phoniatricians and speech therapists.

The conference created the ground for the talks on scientific and clinical cooperation with medical centers in Turkmenistan. At the same time as the conference, the medical exhibition “Health 2013” took place. The World Hearing Center’s team, using the Senses Examination Platform, was performing hearing screening among people visiting the exhibition stand, as well as offered medical consultations and tests done with the videootoscope.

Among the most important guests who visited the stand of the World Hearing Center was the Minister of Health of Turkmenistan  Mr. Gurbanmamed Eljasov and Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers  Sapardurdy Tojlyev (photo). During the meeting with the Minister of Health discussed topic was a cooperation between Poland and Turkmenistan in the field of otolaryngology and audiology, most of all the projects regarding the early detection and treatment of hearing disorders, prevention of diseases, diagnostics and treatment with the use of telemedicine.