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Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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The Conference of the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Otolaryngologists

The annual autumn Conference of the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Otolaryngologists titled “New technologies in diagnosis and treatment of chronic inflammatory and oncological diseases in the field of otorhinolaryngology” together with the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Otolaryngologists was held on September 30th – October 1st, 2013 in Lviv, Ukraine.

The anniversary conference of the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Otolaryngologists, which celebrated the 75th anniversary of its work, was attended by over 250 doctors from major Ukrainian centers of otolaryngology and representatives from Poland: a team from the World Hearing Center, which belongs to the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, presented 9 studies and specialists from the Otolaryngologic Clinic of Jagiellonian University Medical College discussed one study. The conference covered also one study from Germany.

The two-day conference was divided into four thematic sessions. The first was the anniversary session. It focused on the history and achievements of the Society. Another three sessions were devoted to the scientific and medical issues in the field of rhinology, otology and oncology, respectively. During the conference there were presented the total of 98 studies in form of speeches, covering a wide range of issues. Studies presented by the representatives from the World Hearing Center – dr. Piotr H. Skarzynski, dr. Lucyna Karpiesz, dr. Roman Barylak, Agnieszka Pankowska and Magda Zelazowska – evoked great interest among participants and lively discussions.

Dr. Piotr H. Skarzynski came with the following presentations: “21 years of hearing implants in Poland”, “Our 16-year experience in the field of preservation of residual hearing”. Agnieszka Pankowska talked about the “Diagnosis and treatment plan in patients with a cochlear implant”, as well as the “Rehabilitation of patients with partial hearing loss”. Dr . Roman Barylak depicted the “Characteristics of the round window approach in cochlear implantation” and some “Complicated cases of stapedectomy and re- stapedectomy”. Dr. Lucyna Karpiesz presented the topics of “The etiology of tinnitus” and “Audiological diagnosis of tinnitus”. And last but not least, Magda Zelazowska shared her knowledge on the “Telemedicine in the treatment, diagnosis and rehabilitation in hearing-impaired patients”.

Participants of the conference had an opportunity to visit an information stand of the World Hearing Center and Center of Hearing and Speech “Medincus”. Ukrainian doctors particularly interested in issues related to the forms of performing various kinds of hearing implant surgeries. Many of them asked about opportunities to receive trainings at the World Hearing Center and to refer their patients to our Center in order to provide them with proper diagnosis and surgical treatment.

The opening ceremony of the conference complemented the interesting scientific program. Lively and colorful shows by Ukrainian folk dancers and a charming children’s folk group gave a unique ambiance to the whole event.