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Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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Study visit of postgraduate students of ‘Healthcare Management’ in Kajetany

On March 8th, 2014 postgraduate students of the management Faculty of the Warsaw University, specialization ‘Healthcare Management’, visited the World Hearing Center in Kajetany. During the visit they heard the lecture of Prof. Henryk Skarżyński on ‘The essence of leadership in management’ and presentation by dr. Arkadiusz Wąsowski on the contemporary uses of telemedicine. Program included also visits to some of the departments of the World Hearing Center: the Bioimaging Research Center, the Telemedicine Studio, where the National Network of Teleaudiology has been presented, and the Educational Center.

‘Healthcare Management’ aim to prepare present and future managers and administrators of public and private healthcare units and other entities active in the field of health protection. Students become acquainted with the principles of management of the modern healthcare facility and  learn to apply this knowledge in practice. Visit to the World Hearing Center was for them an opportunity to look closely at the model of success that can be achieved through good management and efficacious use of European funds to finance the development. We should trust that impressions from this visit will be an inspiration for future healthcare managers and decision makers.