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Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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XI International Tinnitus Seminar

More than 500 experts from 50 countries gathered at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin to present the latest research on tinnitus. Six person team from the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, presented seven works, one of which – Dr. Danuta Raj-Koziak, PhD “The assessment of the impact of noise exposure on the occurrence of children tinnitus” – received a special award.

International group of experts appreciated our high input and awarded the Institute in a special way – Warsaw was chosen as the conference venue in 2017. For the right to organize conference applied also Argentina and Egypt. In the Institute there is conducted unique research on tinnitus. During a conference in Berlinie Monika Lewandowska, PhD presented, among others, the results of research on Reduced resting-state brain activity in the default mode network in tinnitus patients. About the effect of age, gender and hearing loss on tinnitus severity and emotional state in patients with bilateral chronic tinnitus said Dr. Iwona Niedziałek. In contrast, Dr. Danuta Raj-Koziak presented the results of epidemiological studies on the prevalence of noise in school-age children, and Dr. Katarzyna Pietrasik – advantages of integrated rehabilitation in patients with Meniere’s disease. The theme of the work of Dr. Anna Fabijańska Tinnitus and normal hearing: searching for underlying pathology aimed at detecting systemic diseases that may be the cause of tinnitus. In Berlin, Poland was also represented by a team from University Hospital in Lodz, who presented one poster, and dr. Grazyna Bartnik, former head of the Department of Tinnitus of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing. The results of global research confirms that there is no single cause of tinnitus. There is also no only one way of treating them. During the conference, much attention was paid to the so-called. Somatosensory tinnistus, which is caused by such changes in the temporomandibular joint and cervical spine. In such cases, good results can be achieved with the rehabilitation of the cervical spine, improvement of malocclusion or acupressure neck. However, in people with tinnitus and hearing loss one of the most effective treatments are hearing aids and implantation.