Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu - strona główna

Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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Special Winter Edition of LION Videoconference dedicated to cochlear implantation surgical techniques

On Wednesday, December 10, took place special winter edition of the popular surgical training videoconference LION – Life International Otology Network entitled „Cochlear Implant State of the Art”. Program included 9 demonstration surgeries of cochlear implantation broadcasted from the leading European auditory implant centers: Kajetany, Hannover, London, Florence, Utrecht and Poznan. In addition to surgeries there were lectures and presentations of implant producers. In libe with the LION tradition, anyone with an internet access can connect to the videoconference (free of charge) to observe surgeries and presentations and to participate in chat with instructors and surgeons.

The LION Foundation is dedicated to the continuing education and improving qualification of the ENT and neurootology surgeons through the regularly organized videoconferences showing demonstration surgeries performed by the best specialists in a given field. Prof. Henryk Skarżyński has been invited for many years to the largest videoconference in this series organized in May each year, presenting various surgical techniques in otolaryngology and neurootology surgery. The present, December edition was focused on the newest cochlear implantation techniques. It is noteworthy that all presenting centers have used the minimally invasive approach to the inner ear via the round window, which had been developed and popularized in the world by Prof. H. Skarżyński as the optimal technique of electrode insertion, allowing preservation of the residual hearing and intact structures of the cochlea.