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Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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Professor Henryk Skarżyński awarded at the 5th Conference of Health Service

The 5th Conference of Health Service “Pain and suffering – roots of light and darkness. Medicine – theology – culture” took place on 16th April 2016. During the event Professor Henryk Skarżyński received a medal from the conference organizers. The medal was awarded for the promotion of the holistic vision of man who experienced pain and suffering.

Rev. Dariusz Pater presented the award on behalf of the Organizers to Professor Henryk Skarżyński. He said warm wishes addressing the words to Professor: “Let our fruitful future cooperation be the witness of faith that the goodness which comes from man who acts for the benefit of others will not be wasted and will last forever.

The conference organizer was the Warsaw Medical Council, Faculty of Theology of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Scientific Association of Theologians of the CSWU, President of the Alumni Association of Medical Faculties of the Jagiellonian University, Catholic Association of Polish Doctors, Radom Centre, Professor Franciszek Czubalski Independent Public Group of Health Care Centres in Przysusze, Warsaw Main School of Fire Service and District Volunteer  Water Rescue Service in Radom.

The conference consisted of three scientific sessions and one poster sessions. The chairmen of Session One were professor Henryk Skarżyński and professor Jerzy Jurkiewicz, the President of the Warsaw Medical Society. The Session covered the following topics: suffering – how to live with it?, the charism of weakness, pain and suffering from the perspective of an internist, and also the role of vitamin K2 in the preservation of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, differential diagnosis of abdominal pain.

The topics of Session Two were as follows: will the pill cure all?; withdrawal state as the source of pain and suffering; mercy and sympathy in the experiencing of suffering, suffering as an individual experience of every man and the elements of medical ethics.

Participants of Session Three could listen to presentations about: the change of the direction of development of Ukraine as the source of pain and suffering, recollection of Małgorzata Chodak, dualism of the release from pain and suffering on the basis of the participation in the first aid course, suffering and death as part of the Paschal Mystery of Christ.

The poster sessions were about: life after amputation, back pain – a painful disease of our time, rehabilitation of Parkinson’s disease, the use of art therapy in rehabilitation, disfiguring genetics, pain in the leg of athletes, obesity in children and youths. The conference included an exhibition of the Faculty of Arts of the Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom.