Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu - strona główna

Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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LION Global Otology – Neurotology Live Surgical Broadcast for the 11th time in the World Hearing Center in Kajetany

On 9 May 2016 took place the annual world-wide visioconference LION Global Otology – Neurotology Live Surgical Broadcast. During these conferences, organized already for eleven years, best surgeons from the ENT surgery centers all over the world are invited to present ‘live’ the advanced oto- and neurotological surgical techniques.

This year in the LION Broadcast participated 21 surgeons from 17 centers in Poland, Belgium, Sweden, UK, France, UAE, Italy, Germany, Brazil, Portugal, Turkey and Spain. They presented a total of 32 demonstration surgeries including otosclerosis, ossiculoplasty, cholesteatoma, implantable hearing aids, bone conduction implants, cochlear implants and neurotology.

From the World Hearing Center were transmitted two surgeries performed by Prof. Henryk Skarżyński: cochlear implantation in partial deafness treatment with Med-El Flex electrode and ossiculoplasty with glassionomer cement.

The LION project, initiated in 2006, aims to use the modern teleconferencing technology solutions to improve the level of continuing education in otolaryngology globally. It involves permanent interactive worldwide education network providing an immediate access to the knowledge and experience of international experts in otology and neurotology to any physician who can use a computer with internet access. Key element of this system are the yearly visioconferences with participation of otosurgeons representing the elite centers worldwide.

This year surgeries had several thousand observers in the entire world, either in conference rooms in hospitals and medical universities, or watching the broadcast through the internet. The World Hearing Center gave for the disposal of participants a modern teleconference studio. A group of students from the Medical University of Warsaw and employees of the Institute took advantage of this opportunity.