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Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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Awards for prominent managers

statuetka VIPThe 5th VIP Gala, during which the prominent representatives of business, culture, healthcare and self-government have been awarded, took place in the Sheraton Hotel in Warsaw on 27 November 2017. Among the managers receiving the awards were Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, MD, PhD, dr. h.c. multi and Assoc. Prof. Piotr Henryk Skarżyński, MD, PhD, MSc. Awards were presented by Mr.  Mariusz Gryżewski – Editor-in Chief of the VIP Magazine.

As we can read in the award’s justification, “the Magazine has awarded Prof. Henryk Skarżyński for organizing a series of International Music Festivals for Children, Youths and Adults ‘Beats of Cochlea’. These events present the musical achievements of people who have regained the ability to hear after cochlear implantation; moreover, they are a form of promotion of Polish science and medicine. Workshops, auditions and final concerts delight and move their audience and give the participants a chance of returning to the world of sounds, more, to the active artistic life. Prof. Skarżyński is a world-class ear surgeon and expert in otorhinolaryngology, audiology and phoniatrics.”

Assoc. Prof. Piotr Henryk Skarżyński has been awarded in the category ‘VIP in Healthcare 2017’ for promoting the achievements of Polish science and medicine at global and continental congresses in Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa and both Americas, as well as during the pilot studies on 4 continents.

Winners in individual categories are the prominent managers, people who have passion and achievements, whose aim is constant development in their chosen field, who know the meaning of success. On the stage during the award ceremony were many well-known and liked personalities – people of stage, film, theatre. Among this-year’s laureates in VIP category were: Janusz Gajos, Wojciech Pszoniak, Henryk Talar, Jerzy Radziwiłowicz, Barbara Wrzesińska, Maria Pakulnis, Małgorzata Pieczyńska, Małgorzata Potocka, Marian Dziędziel, Krzysztof Janczar, Izabela Trojanowska, Wojciech Gąssowski and Barbara Wachowicz – author of many books, Mistress of Polish Speech and winner of the Order of the Smile. A special award received Ms. Janina Ochojska, who has created the Polish Humanitarian Action in 1992, unceasingly manages the foundation and provides aid to victims of war, disasters and injustice. A special award received also Prof. Bohdan Boguszewski, the artistic director of the International Music Sacrum Non Profanum.

One of the evening’s attractions was the exhibition of Sylwia Kalinowska’s paintings – women’s portraits painted on wood. There were also music performances. The Gala hosts were Monika Zamachowska and Michał Olszański.