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Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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The results of jubilee contest “The List of the 100” have been announced

For the fifteenth time, the editors of ‘Puls Medycyny’ announced the results of the prestigious contest of the “List of the 100” most influential people in Polish medicine and healthcare. Professor Henryk Skarżyński has been ranked on the 3rd position in the category ‘Medicine’. Other leaders of the “List of the 100” in 2017 were: prof. Wiesław Wiktor Jędrzejczak and Andrzej Jacyna. The ceremonial Gala took place on February 5, 2018 at the Zamoyski Palace in Warsaw.

In the absence of the prof. Skarżyński, the distinction was received by the deputy director of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Mr. Jerzy Mazur, who said: – On behalf of prof. Henryk Skarżyński, I would like to thank you for such a special distinction, which for him means also a commitment to continue working for Polish science and, above all, Polish patients. I believe that he will do it as best he can.

Professor Skarżyński, who is currently at a scientific conference in the USA, after receiving this information sent us special thanks: ‘Thank you to all those who believed me that it is worth doing something for others, it is worth showing our Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing in the best possible way. On the occasion of announcing the results of the jubilee, 15th contest of the “List of the 100”, let me remind you that as one of several representatives of medicine and health care, I was distinguished in all of the “List of the 100” contests in the entire history of this ranking (9 times in the first tenth, including twice in first place) and I have always shared these successes, with all those who supported my actions, understood their meaning, as well as their importance for our everyday functioning’.

The last year was marked for prof. Henryk Skarżyński by numerous challenges in the professional field. On behalf of the Committee of Clinical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, prof. Skarżyński undertook in the previous year the pilot works aimed at developing a Multi-Specialist Prevention Program and providing the support for the health of Poles, especially seniors. The effect? During the whole ‘Lato z Radiem’ tour, in several regions of the country, various screening and information campaigns were conducted. The program should be implemented this year again – this time on an even larger scale.

In 2017, the 25th anniversary of the first cochlear implantation in Poland for a deaf adult patient undertaken by prof. Skarżyński was celebrated.

– Also, whave organized this year three international and two national scientific conferences. The most important clinical event was undoubtedly the world premiere of a new Vibrant Soundbridge middle ear implant set with LP-Coupler, which I implanted during a life demonstration surgery in March 2017. Surgery has been watched by over 250 leading specialists in otosurgery, audiology and biomedical engineering from all around the world. The demonstration surgery, which took place at the World Hearing Center can be considered the world premiere. This is a good reason to be proud! – Said prof. Skarżyński in a special interview for ‘Puls Medycyny’. An unquestionable joint achievement of the Institute’s team is also conducting during the lat year nearly 20,000 surgical procedures in fields of ear surgery, rhinosurgery, phonosurgery and general otolaryngology in children and adults. In this regard, the center has been the undisputed world leader for over 15 years.

For both awards, the editors of ‘Puls Medycyny’ have introduced to the Jury over 300 nominations for assessment. The selection was made by a Jury made up of 36 outstanding specialists from various fields of medicine and centers in the country, as well as health experts, representatives of patient organizations and the editorial staff of ‘Puls Medycyny’.

The number of the outstanding Polish specialists in medicine does not end within the “List of the 100” – says Ms Małgorzata Konaszczuk, the editor-in-chief of ‘Puls Medycyny’. – We realize this every time we prepare this List. With great difficulty, we have to reduce the number of nominees to 300 people, and many people, who deserve to be honoured, have to be left out. We are a country, which is truly enriched by the wisdom of our outstanding doctors and specialists in health care – added Ms Konaszczuk.

The eminent personalities of Polish medicine participated in the Gala, during which the results of the “List of the 100” in 2017 were announced. The event was also honoured with presence of the representatives of the Ministry of Health, the National Health Fund and many institutions who influence the health policy in Poland.