Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu - strona główna

Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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About singing, speaking and emotions for professional voice users on the World Voice Day.

Voice is not only a mechanical acoustical phenomenon, it can transmit moods and emotions. Voice emission is a subject of research in laryngology, phoniatrics and audiology as well as physics, acoustics, phonetics, linguistics and psychology. Voice – similarly to hearing – is crucial for development of the modern, information-based society. Prof. Henryk Skarżyński will address this topic in his lecture inaugurating the World Voice Day on the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw.

When speaking, we give no thought to the mechanics of voice production. Voice production system is sometimes compared to a wind instrument. The process begins in the respiratory system, where a flow of air is generated. The air passes through the larynx, producing voiced sound, which is modulated and articulated in the resonating spaces, thus forming the pitch of voice and speech sounds. Physiologically correct and esthetic production of voice is a difficult art, but necessary for many professions such as singers, actors, speakers, politicians, lecturers or teachers. On the World Voice Day the F. Chopin University of Music prepared a series of lectures and teaching sessions specially addressed to the professional voice users. Topics will include principles of voice production and therapy of voice disorders, such as the lecture on ‘Modern approach to diagnostics and therapy of voice dysfunctions in professionals’ prepared by Ass. Prof. Agata Szkiełkowska PhD (Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing) and Ewa Kazanecka PhD (Audiology and Phoniatrics Dept., F. Chopin University of Music), authors of the textbook ‘Emisja głosu. Wskazówki metodyczne’ (‘Voice Production. Methodology).

Moreover, the program of the World Voice Day will include:

  • Application of speech sounds for classification and assessment of sound transmission quality (Prof. Andrzej Miśkiewicz, PhD, Tadeusz Fidecki, PhD Eng., Dept. of Musical Acoustics, F. Chopin University of Music)
  • Intensifying emotions through execution variations while performing a vocal work (Prof. Małgorzata Marczewska, Dept. of Vocal Studies)

Honorary patronage over the celebration of the World Voice Day assumed His Magnificence Rector of the F. Chopin University of Music, Prof. Ryszard Zimak.

More information about the World Voice Day at