Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu - strona główna

Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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For pacients

  • 10. International Music Festival for Children, Youths, and Adults with Hearing Disorders “Beats of Cochlea”

    Here, music and medicine speak the same language. This event aims to present to a wide audience the children and adult artists whose musical talents were saved by the recent advances in science and medicine. It’s the first event of this kind in the world, and this year, we are celebrating its tenth edition. They used to be deaf or hard of hearing, but now 

  • April 24 is the International Noise Awareness Day

    One of the most visible global changes happening worldwide, Poland included, is ongoing urbanization. This process has its benefits but may also cause severe environmental threats, such as noise, which negatively influences health and quality of life. Its main sources are industrial facilities, roads, railways, and air traffic. Noise is one of the most harmful and 

  • April 16 is the World Voice Day

    Voice is one of the most basic tools that enable and support the functioning of a modern society based on communication. Voice disorders have a negative impact on many areas of human activity, with specific psychological, social, and occupational consequences, and they affect quality of life. – Voice is not just a mechanical-acoustic phenomenon but also a transmitter of moods and 

  • The Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing was needed

    January marks the 28th anniversary of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing (IFPS), officially established on January 9, 1996. This Institute’s history started over 30 years ago, with the creation of the Diagnostic-Treatment-Rehabilitation Center for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired “Cochlear Center,” thefirst of its kind in Poland and the second in Europe. In 1996, following up 

  • 9th International Music Festival for Children, Youths, and Adults with Hearing Disorders “Beats of Cochlea”

    This year, the International Music Festival “Beats of Cochlea” was held at the World Hearing Center in Kajetany on August 25-26, 2023. The Festival’s rich program aimed to promote music as a therapy for people with hearing impairments. The originator and organizer of the Festival was Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, who, for more than 30 years, has been bringing people back from the 

  • World Hearing Day 2023

    World Hearing Day, initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO), is celebrated every year on March 3. Its purpose is to raise awareness about the prevention of deafness and hearing loss and to promote hearing prevention worldwide. In recent years, more and more Member States and partner agencies are joining World Hearing Day by organizing activities and events in their countries. According 

  • The 4th Congress’ Health of Poles’ is over – check it online!

    This was the largest interdisciplinary meeting this year, addressing the most critical issues of health care and medical achievements, said Prof. Henryk Skarżyński about the Congress’ Health of Poles Congress’ 2022. The Congress, organized for the fourth time, was held on October 17-18 under the slogan “Health Prevention and Innovative Solutions in Health Care.” During two congress days, 

  • Open-air meeting and scientific conference in Kajetany

    On the 30th  anniversary of the first cochlear implantation in a deaf person in Poland and the 20th  anniversary of the world’s first surgery to restore hearing to a patient with partial deafness conducted by Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, patients, hearing-implants users met in Kajetany. Together with their families, they participated in an open-air meeting combined with the 8th  Scientific Conference “Music in Human Auditory Development.” – July 

  • World Hearing Day 2022

    World Hearing Day, initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO), is celebrated on March 3 each year. Its objective is to raise awareness about the prevention of deafness and hearing loss and to promote hearing prevention worldwide. The main celebration is held annually at WHO headquarters in Geneva. More and more member countries and partner agencies have joined World Hearing Day 

  • The world premiere of “My Moonlight Sonata” documentary

    The world premiere of the “My Moonlight Sonata” documentary will occur during the 35th  World Congress of Audiology in Warsaw and Kajetany on April 10-13, 2022. Directed by Barbara Kaczynska, in collaboration with Professor Henryk Skarżyński, the documentary tells the story of Grzegorz Płonka, the talented winner of the 1st  International Music Festival for Children, Youth and Adults with 

  • World Hearing Day 2021

    On 3 March each year, we celebrate World Hearing Day. The WHO’s Office of Prevention of Blindness and Deafness initiated this festival to raise public awareness of deafness and hearing loss prevention and to promote hearing care campaigns across the world. The first World Hearing Report had been launched on the eve of the celebration.    The report shows that 

  • World Hearing Day 2020

    World Hearing Day, initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO), is celebrated on the 3rd March each year. This year’s edition under the slogan „Don’t let hearing loss limit you” is widespread, as it is estimated that around 466 million people worldwide are suffering from severe hearing loss, and more than 1 billion people have a variety of hearing 

  • In duet for anniversary

    “For years we have been able to observe the Institute’s patients for whom music provided invaluable support during rehabilitation. These observations motivated me to organize the International Music Festival for Children, Youths and Adults with Hearing Disorders “Beats of Cochlea,” recalled Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, the initiator of this event. This year we celebrated the fifth anniversary edition of this unique festival 

  • Official inauguration of the fourth edition of the “Health First” Programme

    The fourth edition of the “Multi-specialist year-long programme for preventing civilisation diseases and supporting Poles’ health – Health First” was officially launched, just like last year, outside the Polish Television and Polish Radio buildings. Residents of the capital city were offered advice by several dozen physicians representing various specialities. Those interested had an opportunity to consult audiologists, 

  • Professor Henryk Skarzynski will be a special guest during a seminar „On health of the Sadeckie population – from oncology to hearing loss”

    Oncology, social security and hearing were the leading topics of a seminar titled “On health of the Sadeckie population”, which took place on March 28, 2019 at the Malopolska Cultural Center “Sokol” in Nowy Sacz.  Professor Henryk Skarzynski was a special guest at the seminar and gave a lecture “Population studies among school children as basis for universal disease prevention”. On this occasion specialists 

  • New generation of cochlear implants – new face of telemedicine

    At the World Hearing Center of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing (IFPS) in Kajetany Professor Henryk Skarżyński will implant the HiRes Ultra 3D Cochlear Implant made in Hassle Free MRI technology. This implant is specially dedicated to seniors. It allows the patients to go under the magnetic resonance imagining in a field with 3 T induction, which is the basis 

  • Grand finale of the 4th edition of the International Music Festival for Children, Youth and Adults with Hearing Disorders “Beats of Cochlea”

    The 4th edition of the International Music Festival for Children, Youth and Adults with Hearing Disorders “Beats of Cochlea” was ended with a concert of 10 laureates selected by the jury. “Please, let’s not hide emotions, it is so noble and humane”. With these words Prof. Henryk Skarżyński announced the performances at the stage of concert pavilion of Sinfonia 

  • Inauguration of the ‘First Health’ Program

    On June 6, 2018, by buildings of the Polish Television and the Polish Radio, several dozen specialists and technicians carried out screening tests and gave advice to Warsaw residents. It was the inauguration of the third edition of the multidisciplinary ‘First Health’ Program aimed at counteracting diseases of affluence. Those interested had a chance to seek advice from: audiologists, phoniatricians, otolaryngologists,