Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu - strona główna

Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu

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  • Prof. Henryk Skarżyński received doctor honoris causa title of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW) in Warsaw 

    On 27 May 2022, in the Schuman Hall of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, the Senate of the UKSW held a formal session on the occasion of the University Fest Day. During the session, Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, MD, Ph.D., dr. h.c. multi received the title of doctor honoris causa of the University. Many guests gathered at this ceremony, held on the 

  • Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing received the “Maria Grzegorzewska’s Glasses” award

    On 25 May 2022, during the 100th anniversary of the Maria Grzegorzewska University celebrations, the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing received the “Maria Grzegorzewska’s Glasses” award. The Senate of the University bestowed the award in recognition of the Institute’s merits in research and medical innovations and measurable support for people with disabilities and their families. The 

  • Professor nominations for academic teachers and researchers 

    On 18 May 2022, at the Presidential Palace, Andrzej Duda, the President of the Republic of Poland, presented professor nominations to over 50 academic teachers, scientific workers and employees of the art institutions. Among the nominees was Prof. Krzysztof Kochanek, Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing. – I congratulate you on this achievement with all my heart. 

  • Cooperation agreement signed with the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) 

    On 11 May 2022, Prof. Gertruda Uścińska, President of ZUS, and Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, Director of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, signed an agreement of cooperation. The parties have agreed to cooperate as partners in the fields of education, scientific and research, and implement joint projects in the field of prevention and medical certification related to the risk of inability 

  • “Do not go for the money. Learn from the best specialists” – what a young otorhinolaryngologist should consider planning a career

    Interview with professor emeritus Jan E. Veldman, MD, Ph.D., otorhinolaryngologist and immunologist, in 1975–2004 he worked in the  Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic in Utrecht (the Netherlands), professor at the Extraordinary Chair in Experimental Otology and Otoimmunology – created especialy for him by the Utrecht University, founding president of the international academic conference ORLIAC (organized without interruption since the 1980s), Friend Forever 

  • Prof. Henryk Skarżyński honored by the members of the Cracow branch of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngologists and Head and Neck Surgeons

    During the opening ceremony of the XXXV World Congress of Audiology that took place in Kajetany on 10 April 2022, Prof. Henryk Skarżyński received a Przemysław Wiktor Odrowąż Pieniążek Medal from the members of the Krakow Section of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons. The Medal was presented by dr. Patryk Hartwich, the Section Chairman from the 

  • 35th  World Congress of Audiology in Warsaw

    The 35th  World Congress of Audiology was opened at the World Hearing Center in Kajetany on 10 April 2022. – This is one of the first direct meetings of audiologists, otorhinolaryngologists, phoniatricians, acousticians and specialists in related fields after the pandemic break, so we are positive that this international meeting will abound in new ideas and projects – said Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, 

  • Prof. Henryk Skarżyński is once again at the forefront of the 100 most influential people in Polish medicine

    On 24th March 2022, the Belvedere restaurant in Łazienki Królewskie hosted the gala of the 19th edition of the plebiscite by the “Puls Medycyny” journal – the List of Hundred 2021  (Lista Stu 2021). Once again, the chapter recognized Prof. Krzysztof Simon as the most influential person in Polish medicine in 2021 and Maciej Miłkowski, Deputy Minister of Health, as the person having 

  • World Hearing Day 2022

    World Hearing Day, initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO), is celebrated on March 3 each year. Its objective is to raise awareness about the prevention of deafness and hearing loss and to promote hearing prevention worldwide. The main celebration is held annually at WHO headquarters in Geneva. More and more member countries and partner agencies have joined World Hearing Day 

  • The world premiere of “My Moonlight Sonata” documentary

    The world premiere of the “My Moonlight Sonata” documentary will occur during the 35th  World Congress of Audiology in Warsaw and Kajetany on April 10-13, 2022. Directed by Barbara Kaczynska, in collaboration with Professor Henryk Skarżyński, the documentary tells the story of Grzegorz Płonka, the talented winner of the 1st  International Music Festival for Children, Youth and Adults with 

  • Prof. Henryk Skarżyński appointed the National Consultant in otorhinolaryngology 

    On 24 November 2021, Health Minister Adam Niedzielski nominated Prof. Henryk Skarżyński to the post of the National Consultant in otorhinolaryngology for another, five-year term. Prof. H. Skarżyński is the world-famous otosurgeon and specialist in otorhinolaryngology, audiology, phoniatrics and pediatric otolaryngology. He is a corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.  

  • Golden Scalpel 2021 for an innovative surgery to restore hearing

    Another edition of the “Golden Scalpel” contest is over. For the 13th time, editors of the “Pulse of Medicine” magazine distinguished innovators who have changed Polish medicine for the better. This year, the winner was the project submitted by the specialists from the World Hearing Centre in Kajetany: “Functional reconstruction of hearing using Bonebridge 602 hearing implant 

  • Prof. Henryk Skarżyński was awarded the title “Personality of the Decade”

    On 28 October 2021, an official gala of the contest “Personalities and Successes of the Year 2021” was held in the theatre Scena Relax in Warsaw. The editor-in-chief of the magazine “Personalities and Successes” Mariusz Pujszo handed statuettes in 5 categories. Prof. Henryk Skarżyński was distinguished in the category “Personality of the Decade.” Distinction in this category was also awarded to: Andrzej 

  • Prof. Henryk Skarżyński won honourable second place in the “100 years of medical innovations in Poland” contest held by “Rzeczpospolita” daily

    Two inventions that saved millions of human lives, the polio vaccine and the louse-borne typhus vaccine, won the contest “100 years of medical innovations in Poland” contest held by the “Rzeczpospolita” newspaper. Prof. Henryk Skarżyński took second place. He was nominated for the first in the world cochlear implantation in partial deafness performed in an adult and then a child. An official Gala 

  • Special day with an Honorary Citizen of Czyżew

    Centuries-old history, fascinating traditions and culture, but above all – incredible residents – these are the most important assets of the town and commune of Czyżew. The home town of prof. Henryk Skarżyński, its Honorary Citizen since 2014. On the 24th of September, 2021, thanks to the invitation from the Mayor of Czyżew, Anna Bogucka, prof. H. Skarżyński had 

  • 7th International Music Festival of Children, Youths and Adults with Hearing Disorders “Beats of Cochlea”

    “Plenitude of sounds, or music in the development of a human being” – this is the keynote of the 7th International Music Festival of Children, Youths and Adults with Hearing Disorders “Beats of Cochlea,” to which Prof. Henryk Skarżyński and the team from the World Hearing Centre in Kajetany invites you. This year’s edition is held on 13-15 July. Traditionally, the Festival 

  • Prof. Henryk Skarżyński a laureate of Rzeczpospolita’s centenary Eagle statuette.

    On the hundredth anniversary of establishing the “Rzeczpospolita” daily, the newspaper’s editorial staff presented awards to distinguished representatives of science, culture and sport, philanthropists, and respectable institutions. The ceremonious Eagles Gala took place on June 25 in the Kraków Opera. The Rzeczpospolita’s centenary Eagle statuette in the category of science went to Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, founder and director of the Institute of 

  • Welconomy Emerald for Prof. Henryk Skarżyński

    Professor Henryk Skarżyński, founder and director of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, received the Welconomy Emerald – the most important award presented during the 28th Welconomy Economic Forum in Toruń. Since 2018, this award has been bestowed upon people whose attitude and activity encourage the development of our country. The laureates of the